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Exploring Italy by motorhome and caravan: savings and nature at your fingertips

Hello camping lovers! Have you ever dreamed of waking up surrounded by nature, with the comfort of your home on four wheels? If yes, then this article is for you. With an RV, every trip becomes an adventure, but do you know how much a night in a traditional campground can cost? According to ADAC/PiNCAMP, the average in Europe is 52 euros per night, a figure that can add up quickly during a trip.

Camping in Italy: between quality and cost

In Italy, renowned for its breathtaking views and excellent cuisine, camping can prove quite expensive. Among European countries, Switzerland, Croatia and Italy top the list for the highest prices. For Italy, on average, a motorhome family of two adults and a 10-year-old child will spend about 60.28 euros per night, based on data collected in 2022. However, there are alternatives for those seeking to reduce expenses!

Agricamper: the cost-effective travel solution

Agricamper offers a unique solution: for only €34.90 per year, you are entitled to unlimited, free 24-hour stops at farms, wineries, agritourisms and agricampsites throughout Italy . This means that membership pays for itself in less than one night compared to the cost of Italian campgrounds. It is ideal for those seeking a caravan or RV adventure with an eye on the wallet.

Stops in nature: The heart of Agricamper

Agricamper’s philosophy is not only saving money, but also a return to nature . Imagine waking up among vineyards, the countryside, or near a farmstead, with the sounds of nature surrounding you. The stops offered by Agricamper are unique, perfect for those seeking anauthentic experience off the usual tourist routes.

Food km0: a journey into taste with Agricamper

An exciting aspect of traveling with Agricamper is the opportunity to discover km0 food directly from small producers. Imagine tasting cheeses made on a farm you just visited, or sipping a glass of wine right in the cellar where it was created. Discover the unique flavors of various Italian regions, straight from the source. It is a way to travel responsibly, supporting the local economy and savoring the true essence of Italy.

RV and caravan travel: freedom and discovery

Traveling by RV, caravan or campervan offers unparalleled freedom. You can explore hidden corners of Italy, stop wherever you like, and have experiences that go beyond mere tourism. With Agricamper, this freedom is amplified, allowing you to discover Italy in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

Weekend getaways and trips: Italy within motorhome reach

Even for short weekend trips or outings, Agricamper is the perfect choice. Forget about complex reservations or overcrowded pitches. With our app, you can easily find your next stop, enjoying a weekend immersed in nature or a relaxing farm stay.

Sustainable and accessible camping

Agricamper represents a model that is sustainable, economical, and close to nature. It is the ideal choice for those who want to travel while respecting the environment and enjoy authentic experiences away from traditional tourist routes.

A European experience: Agricamper across borders

Agricamper’s unique concept of combining RV travel and farm stops is not limited to Italy alone. The same fascinating combination of adventure and authenticity exists in several European nations: you can find similar opportunities to stop with your motorhome or caravan in picturesque places, discovering local delicacies and Km0 products. With FEFI (Fédération Européenne de la Formule Invitations), your trip becomes a rich cultural experience, not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. Don’t forget to visit our online store, where you can find FEFI guides to better explore these European opportunities.


Are you ready to go on your next RV or caravan adventure? Don’t wait! Purchase your Agricamper membership now and download our app to discover all our facilities. With Agricamper, every trip becomes a unique experience at an unbeatable price. We look forward to seeing you on the road!

Don’t forget to visit our online store, where you can find the FEFI guides to make the most of these European opportunities.